Светлана Димитрова
съвсем на близо до музея Дели Хамам. В сърцето на Вароша. Всичко в района е близо - крепостта, музеите, покрития мост, паметници и забележителности. Всичко е на не повече от 10 минути пеша.
Diana Zheleva
Страхотно уютно местенце. Чисто, приятно и с много любезни домакини. С удоволствие бихме посетили отново!🤩🤩🤩🤩
Videnka Boyanova
Получихме наистина любезно обслужване и се насладихме на чиста и уютна стая. БЛАГОДАРИМ ВИ!!!
Krasimir Vlaskovski
Много приятно и топло място в близост до центъра и забележителностите на град Ловеч
Jesus Ruppel
(Преведено от Google) Хареса ми това място, собствениците са страхотни и мястото осигурява релаксираща атмосфера!(Оригинал)Loved this place, the owners are great and the place provides a relaxing atmosphere!
Calin Rusu
(Преведено от Google) Много добри условия. Любезни домакини.(Оригинал)Condițiile foarte bune. Gazdele amabile.
Radina I
Great restaurant.visited with my family Service (very fast) and food quality were amazing. The staff is very friendly and outgoing. We were 4 people and had 2 salads 4 main courses 2 deserts and loads of drinks and the total was 107 bgn. Highly recommend
Danail D
We (2 kids, 3 adults) have a very pleasant lunch in the tavern. It offers tasty local and international food in a very attractive atmosphere - in an inner yard with big trees.We visited only the restaurant and have not stayed in the guest house.
We stayed in a studio apartment which was clean, comfortable and had everything we could have needed. The location is excellent within the old part of the town and in walking distance to all the main attractions. We really enjoyed our stay here and hope to return in the future.
Lyubomir Gospodinov
Me and friends of mine had lunch today at the restaurant and we ate very delicious meals, which were served immediately! The staff was also very kind and nice. I am recommending the restaurant and I am almost sure that the guest house would be also so nice!
Nina K
We stayed at one-bedroom apartment - everything well fit - small and cozy, comfortable, usefull. Every inch of the rooms were fill with the right thing that you need. The owners were very kind and helpful. Thank you.