Emanuela Anachkova
Този ресторант е наслада за сетивата. Изтънчен и запомнящ се вкус. Истински професионалисти. Обслужването е на високо ниво. Личностното отношение от Шеф Токев към гостите и качеството на храната са за многоо звезди Мишлен! 👏🏼
Натали Н.
Кухня на световно ниво, с изключителен подбор на вина, атмосфера и обслужване. Определено скоро ще повторим отново.
Rositca Nikolova
Прекрасна атмосфера, отлично обслужване и кухня, от която се чувстваш специален!
vladimir Tenchev
Хубав луксозен ресторант.Персоналът е любезен.Ястията добре приготвени.
christophe vidal
For having tried most of the fine dining places in Sofia, it's with no doubt ranking in the top 3. The food is amazing (international but German oriented), the atmosphere is pleasant (even so the tables are close and more privacy might be wished). The service is very professional, yet friendly with no fuss. It's also very affordable in relation to the experience... Highly recommended
Nice, not heavy atmosphere. Food is interesting. I like cooking, but too complex for me to reproduce any of the 7 dishes tried. Unusual ideas those of Mr. Andre, extended fantasy, but quite well spoling combinations.Real gourmet place. Was surprised there is space also to park your car, not easy in Sofia.Will come back to try what I was not able to :)
Amazing experience, all along the degustation menu. The dishes shines with the Bulgarian cuisine love, each of them beautifully prepared with local products of amazing flavor. We were extremely impressed. Worth mentioning the amazing wine selection that followed our evening, it is not common to taste such a diverse and excellent selection! Final thanks for the fantastic cognac degustation. I could not share that last word but this was the best cognac I'd had the opportunity to enjoy.
Interesting experience. If you want to try something different and new - Andre is the right place. The service is great and the food is delicious. Keep in mind that the prices are significantly higher than the average in Sofia, but it’s reasonable considering the high quality.
This place is an excellent modern presentation of Bulgarian cuisine with fresh local products. The environment is clean and classy, the service is kind, quick and thoughtful. For 4 dishes and a bottle of wine it cost us under 200 lv. Many places below this level cost more. I’m very impressed, but not surprised. It’s Andre Tokev after all. Highly recommend!
Food for each one of your senses - very diverse and delicious! Get ready for a nice and cozy environment, excellent service and top quality dishes.
Перфектно място за специален повод или ако човек просто е решил да се поглези. Великолепна кухня и обслужване, които наистина ще ви накарат да оцените всяка минута, прекарана в ресторанта.