Петко Любенов
Страхотно място със страхотен персонал прекарах си чудесно , задължително пак ще дойда
RGT 666
(Преведено от Google) Прекрасно място, приветлив персонал и страхотни напитки. Би било страхотно място, на което всеки да се наслади, дори и безалкохолни напитки.(Оригинал)Lovely place, welcoming staff and great drinks. Would be a great place for anyone to enjoy, even if non alcoholic beverages.
Karin Chrastinová
(Преведено от Google) Приятен хотел, на метри от плажа, мил персонал, страхотна храна. Идеален за деца. За мен за 1.(Оригинал)Příjemný hotel, pár metrů od pláže, milý personál, skvělé jídlo. Ideální pro děti. U mne za 1.
Amelia Kosińska
(Преведено от Google) Страхотно обслужване, страхотни напитки на страхотна цена! Страхотно място и DJ.(Оригинал)Zajebista obsługa super drinki w super cenie ! Super lokal i Dj .
Marcel Slanina
(Преведено от Google) За мен най-добрият бар на Слънчев бряг 👍(Оригинал)Für mich die beste Bar am Sonnenstrand 👍
Wendy Robinshaw
(Преведено от Google) Приятно място за почивка 👍 приятелски настроен персонал(Оригинал)Nice place to chill 👍 friendly polit staff
Frode M
Very good food. Eaten here several times. Very nice service. Much different on the menu. We are satisfied with all the dishes we have eaten.
The food was delicious, everything was fresh, the food was beautifully presented, and none of the ten-person group was disappointed. Friendly, flexible and smiling service. I recommend!
Tania g
We ate a few meals in this restaurant it was very well priced and the food was lovely. The happy hour cocktails helped.
Jason Clark
We stumbled across this bar on the first day and it was awesome. The staff made you welcome as soon as you step in. Kiko, Constantine and Vince were amazing and we were never short of drinks, shots and cocktails. The food was very good too and we will definitely be back. Thanks for a great time.
Pad L
Outsnding friendly staffVery welcomingGreat pricesIf your coming to Sunny beach then it's a mustMore free shots than an ak 47Enjoy as I haveThe bar man knows his stuff and his hospitality knows no bounds🙏