Romina Tseneva
(Преведено от Google) Чудесно място за дегустация на български вина! Много любезен и знаещ персонал, качествено вино на разумна цена, топла атмосфера!(Оригинал)Great place to taste some Bulgarian wines! Very friendly and knowledgeable staff, quality wine at reasonable price, warm ambiance!
Jose Antonio PJ
(Преведено от Google) Много приятно място за пиене на българско вино. Любезен персонал. 100% препоръчително.(Оригинал)A very nice place to drink Bulgarian wine. Friendly staff. 100% recommended.
Lily Song
(Преведено от Google) Прекрасни и приятелски настроени хора, прекрасно вино. Добро място за питие след работа или вечеря с приятели или сам.(Оригинал)Lovely and friendly people, lovely wine . Good place to have a drink after work or dinner with friends or by yourself.
Juliana Ardila
(Преведено от Google) Страхотна селекция от български вина и ракия. Знаещ персонал!(Оригинал)Great Bulgarian wine and Rakia selection. Knowledgeable staff!
Rory Thompson
(Преведено от Google) обичаш ли вино в софия ли си Спрете да четете това и отидете при Гарафа.(Оригинал)Do you like wine? Are you in Sofia? Stop reading this, and go to Garafa.
Boyan Vassilev
(Преведено от Google) Приятно място да изпиете чаша с приятел.(Оригинал)Nice place to drink a glass with a buddy.
Emma O
We were really impressed with how knowledgeable the lady serving us was. She recommended a really good red wine for my partner, and an equally lovely rosé for myself. She also recommended a Bulgarian white wine to take home as souvenirs for our parents. Lovely little venue for a quiet drink and zero plastic!
Sara L
I have visited this place two times in a week. The wine tastes amazing. I simply love it. Garafa looks super cute and the staff is incredibly nice and friendly.I will definitely come here often and I recommend it to anyone who wants to try some Bulgarian quality wine and have a good time doing it!
Poached Plum
Very cool wine bar with a focus on sustainability and quality. Visited as part of the free food tour Balkan Bites.You can fill the glass bottles with a selection of draught wines and take away or drink in.
Siamo passati con il food tour e oltre a degustare alcuni vini abbiamo scoperto che se riporti la bottiglia te la riempiono nuovamente in questo modo non inquini e risparmi sul costo del vino!Splendida idea!complimenti
Agradable local y excelente trato. Tomamos un vino de uva rubin y otro merlot, ambos de una bodega búlgara.Sin duda un sitio al que volver.