Tsvetomila Neshtereva
Магазинчето е чудно, а онлайн поръчките се обработват супер бързо и са грижливо опаковани. Книгите ми пристигнаха още на следващия ден :))
Alexander Apostolov
(Преведено от Google) Симпатичен магазин за подаръци на архитектурна тема(Оригинал)Cute gift shop with an architectural theme
Sheyla Martinez
(Преведено от Google) Много различни и любопитни артикули в сравнение с други магазини за подаръци. Много любезен персонал(Оригинал)Artículos muy diferentes y curiosos en cuanto a otras tiendas de regalos. El personal muy amable
(Преведено от Google) Супер точно, доста скъпо, но трябва да платите за истинската сделка.(Оригинал)Super on point, fairly pricey but you gotta pay for the real deal.
Nadezhda Georgieva
(Преведено от Google) Прекрасен магазин за съвременни български продукти и сувенири(Оригинал)Wonderful shop for contemporary Bulgarian products & souvenirs
The shop has a really nice selection of local artists and brands and super friendly and helpful staff.I also enjoyed a free exhibition in the gallery downstairs.I'd recommend not to plan a fast visit through there, it is worth to take your time and grab a beer to chill there.
Костадин Т
I have just visited the shop with my girlfriend and have never seen anything like their concept in Europe and its fabolous! You can find anything from stickers to beautiful scarves and it’s all Made in Bulgaria! So if you’d like to contribute to the small and not so small Bulgarian vendirs while buying something truly unique, this is the place to be!
Veronika V
Super cool atmosphere that inspires with entering the store. Awesome urban hub with selected bulgarian artists. Gifted is one of the few places of his kind.
Miruna N
Gifted is a location that you shouldn't miss in Sofia! Is full of nice stuff, for you or for your friends that are waiting for you back home! The people working there are always smiling and ready to help you :) Downstairs you can find interesting exhibitions and also lockers to store your luggages! Gifted is the place where urban culture is alive!
Valeri is really nice and will help you with any tips about the city you may need. They sell amazing alternative souvenirs, very different from those of the typical shops. They also work with the "alternative Sofia Tour", which is 100% recommendable.
We made exhibition together there and they are one of the best hosts i've ever had. Everything was fine and was running by plan with really cool suggestions from their part. They totally nailed that event!