Daniel Kamenov
Наех кола преди няколко дни и останах изключително доволен! Автомобилът беше много удобен, чист и в отлично състояние. Обслужването беше бързо и професионално
Tanya Trotter
Момчетата, бяха много приветливи и учтиви, колата чиста и в добро състояние с две думи следващия път,когато се нуждая от кола, с удоволствие ще наема от тях.
Супер точни и коректни. Мисля, че за доста време напред ме спечелиха :)
Isurima Katuwawela
(Преведено от Google) Ефективен и много добър в общуването. Представител ни чакаше при пристигането. Всичко вървеше гладко. Определено бих избрал тази компания отново.(Оригинал)Efficient and very good with communicating. A representative was waiting for us at arrivals. Everything went smoothly. Would definitely chose this company again.
Paul Rother
(Преведено от Google) Добро обслужване! Няма проблем със заемането. Колата беше чиста и според описанието.(Оригинал)Guter Service! Kein Problem beim Ausleihen. Das Auto war sauber und so wie beschrieben.
Boris Reznik
(Преведено от Google) Много доволен. Отлично обслужване, нови коли. Следващият път в България ще поръчам само от тази фирма.(Оригинал)Очень доволен. Отличное обслуживание, новые машины. В следующий раз в Болгарии буду заказывать только в этой компании.
Sylwia P
Highly recommended. Very friendly and helpful staff. We rented Toyota Aygo for our trips around the Burgas . Good value for money.
giovanni D
excellent service : good communication, all papers were well done, fast car pick up and deposit, they pick us up and drove back at the main gate of the airport (at 3 min), car was all right
The car was in great condition and the working hours were fine. The staff was really warm and understanding. Tsvetozar explained everything and was really friendly! Dober človek! :) Would recommend this company because of their way of working and low price.
Деян Х
We had a very nice experience with green rent a car. The boys work fast and without problems. I recommend! The car was taken for a week was very economical and brand new.
alex k
We rented a car from the company and were very pleased with the service, quality service, polite staff. The car was taken for a week was very economical and brand new up to 10,000 km. run. I advise everyone to Green Rent A Car and will definitely contact the guys again. Thank you very much!!!!!!!