Miglena Dimitrova
Перфектната храна в топ центъра на София. Радост за сетивата са пиците, бургера, уникалното панини и домашната лимонада.. Всеки вкус и каприз биват задоволени, даже са се погрижили и за хората, които са на КЕТО хранителен режим. Адмирации!
Много добри пици и бургерги, всеки ден избухвахме с тех в офиса...
Иван Стоянов
Супер място за хапване,пицата която ми направиха беше уникална !
Меги П
At Gusto On The Go you will enjoy the most delicious pizzas, paninis and burgers. All the delicacies are prepared before your eyes from the highest quality products and from homemade cakes and pizza marshmallows. You can also enjoy homemade lemonade and sweets.
The burger was the greatest one i've eaten in Sofia. The peperoni pizza was also very good. Friendly staff, awesome food, good location. Definately will visit again
Boris Petrov
Think this is the best restaurant for fast food in Sofia. Amazing food you should try, very good service, fast delivery. Strongly recommend!
I didn't expect to find a place like Gusto on the go in my hometown. The burger is top, but the pizza... Totally blew my mind! Don't miss the place if you are in the city or just in the area!
Paolo Rezza
Great place for lunch break. Real Italian style pizza, variety of sandwiches and amazing American burger which I highly recommend. Staff is friendly and location is very central and easy to reach. Top spot to eat in the middle of the fast daily routines.
Меги П
Уникални пици, бургер, панини и домашна лимонада. Всеки вкус и каприз е задоволен. Има и кето бургер за хора на КЕТО режим. Обслужването е топ!Unique pizzas, burgers, panini and homemade lemonade. Every taste and whim is satisfied. There is also a keto burger for people in KETO mode. Service is top!