Даяна Борисова
Рейна дел Мар е топ хотела на Българското Черноморие . А ла карт ресторантите са с отлично качество. Отдел връзка с гостите са много отзивчиви и усмихнати. Ще повторим отново със сигурност .
Preslav Petkov
Уникална обстановка ,за 5та пореден година сме тук ,бихме останали завинаги
Balin Balev
Изключителен комплекс...Не си представях, че може да съществува подобен ваканционен комплекс в България
Nikolai Penkov
Страхотно място , горещо препоръчвам и ще се върнем отново 100 %
Mariya Stamova
(Преведено от Google) Имахме много приятен престой 👏🏼Хотелът е много модерен, чист и удобен. Спа центърът е уютен и добре оборудван. препоръчвам!(Оригинал)We had very pleasant stay 👏🏼The hotel is very modern, clean and comfortable. The Spa Center is cozy and well equipped. I recommend!
Konlakrys B
I have been here for the second time and we like it. Everything is just amazing, activities for kids and adults, and the location is perfect. We are happy to find here Aurelia , and she is so cool, with a great heart , helpful and you are lucky to have her at the resort..Thank you a lot for your good work and generosity. Best regards from Cristi.
High quality services and trained and very friendly personnel.Pools and saunas very good quality.Food and drinks at high level.Kids club available Evening events with good atmosphere and guests. Strongly recommended.
Beysim Y
Restorant muduru Mehmet beySize ayricana tesekur ederiz10 numara 5 yildiz yemeklerVe ozel ilgiSizin gibi mudurlene ihtiyaci var ulkemizinHerkeze bu hoteli tavsiye ediyorumGercekten kalite ve ilgi Bulgaristan icin en iyi yer Saygilar
Maria G
Room, Location, Amenities, Servicies are excellent! Clean and spacious rooms, kids space, facilities, pools, beach, staff, restaurants - especially that one where is chief Ivaylo Petkov - should try! Very happy that my husband fount that place - treasure hotel! We came first time last year, this year and hope we will have possibilities to come next year too! Great place! Wish all the best!
This is indeed a top hotel with great services and really nice staff. Can't really fault it.I would suggest to the management to install at least one charging station for EVs, it's a shame they don't have one.
Stefanescu T
A special hotel. Location on the beach, excellent staff. Animation throughout the day for both children and adults! Large clean and uncrowded pools. We went to several 5 star hotels in Bulgaria, but this was the best so far on the Bulgarian coast.